The Turquoise Penguin

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Many of you that personally know me - you know that I have an obsession (addiction - whatever you want to call it) with Instagram. So, this post goes out to you. The ones that I cut off mid-sentence and say, "Hold on, I need to Instagram this." To those that I stick the camera in their face. To those that I tell them, "Don't eat your food yet, I need to Instagram this first." To those that see me with my phone up while driving - it's okay, I'm not taking a picture of you, I'm just really trying to get the last sliver of sunset. To those that watch me while I photograph a lawn gnome on my front porch-no, I'm not crazy. And finally, to the babies in my life, for being the best, most cutest subjects that I have to Instagram.

Without further ado, welcome to the last month and a half of my whereabouts.

Emma Lou. The gal with the prettiest eyes & smile I've ever set eyes on.

My best friend, Brooke and her precious boy, J.P. What I love most about this picture is her smile. That's a new, proud, a little tired, happy mother smile. And she's a damn good one, at that.
My Christmas tree. It may not be the biggest, baddest or even have a tree skirt. But, I sure to love watching tv with that purty thing lit up beside me.
If they made pj's like this in adult size. I would own them.
Sushi. On a tree.
About 5 hours into the Baking & Boozing Extravaganza with some pretty rad ladies. 
I love decorating Christmas cookies. I don't love decorating about 10 dozen.
Don't look at the cookies. They're naked.
Many people thought I really liked Dorothy. But, I just really liked that they added a bit of red to my outfit. #christmasspirit
Emma Lou. Being a beauty. See, I told you she had a pretty smile.
My sister-in-law and I the day after Thanksgiving. At a bar. In matching ECI fleeces. Having a blast.
What you gnome about that? Hands down, my favorite ornament on my whole tree.
Gran schooling us in (insert name of game that I forgot).
My little friend on my desk at work. Too much works makes for a shy gnome.
Arrington Vineyards. Mom. Granny. Grandpa. Me. And a bottle of really great wine (that has a name I cannot pronounce).
Granny and Grandpa before the show at Chaffin Dinner theatre. One of the greatest couples I know!
Not gonna lie - those snowflakes on the right had vanilla frosting AND cream in the middle. #winning. Hence why they were the first to go. Thank you, Dunkin Donuts!
J.P. shows me all of his faces. How can you not like all of them!?
Rainy day lunch break. Guess where at?
My highschool best friend took me to see Straight No Chaser at the Ryman. The only thing I actually like about IU.
Friendsgiving. And the choices. Not to mention a pretty big ham in the upper left corner.
When your oven doesn't work. Make no-bake cookies.
Someone had a rough night.
See that guy in the middle. He belted it out so great - he gave me goosebumps.
Me and my favorite lady cousins on Thanksgiving. Man, do I love them. Well, all but Nicole. I just like her a lot.

I sure do have a lot to be Thankful for. It's obvious. 

Thank you Instagram. You give me beautiful memories.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Love The South

My most recent trip was to Savannah, GA to run in the Rock n Roll half marathon. And, to say that I adore Savannah is a complete understatement! All the history, cute shops, fun bars, adorable houses, coffee shops, art/artists, river street, friendly people, spanish moss trees (my personal favorite), gorgeous weather, beautiful parks and constantly having something to see/do - I honestly did not want to leave!

To actually write about my entire weekend, that would be impossible. So, I'm just going to leave you with a few things I've learned from this weekend::
1. There is actually marshmallow and gummy bear flavored vodka.'s amazing.
2. Road trips are better with friends.
3. You can never (ever) take too many instagrams. I got three new people to join this weekend. My addiction is now theirs.
4. I'll always cry at the national anthem and finish line. What a rush - I'll be an athlete for life.
5. Half marathons might become one of my new hobbies. WTF? Did I just say that?
6. 'Call-a-cab' is one of the strongest frozen drinks at Wet Willies. The names are usually a good indications.
7. Don't wear a half zip that does not have fabric between your chest and the Zipper. Running long distances with metal rubbing on skin only ends badly.
8. Savannah Georgia is my new favorite place. Sorry Austin.
9. It's possible to go into 20 different restaurants in a three day span. Restaurants are bars...and just because your order drinks you probably better order appetizers.
10. Dank tank - try it.
11. I love pajamas with the saying, 'lion around.' OR 'I like your belt.' I'd like to actually own either. My search continues...
12. Did I mention that I actually enjoy running? And with 27,000 other people running - its hard not to get into the hype!
13. I will never do a full marathon.
14. I'm jealous of the students that get to go to SCAD.
15. You can never drink enough water.
16. When in doubt, Chick Fil A.
17. Pack more comfy clothes.
18. People love green scarfs!
19. Pizza places are good places for confrontations, err, I mean bad. Sort of.
20. I cannot afford Ruth Chris.

So, not to disappoint - here are the new instagrams from the weekend!

I'm obsessed with ketchup - so, naturally, I love not having to cut my thumbs just to get enough for one fry! Thank you Chick Fil A!

This spanish moss on the trees had me baffled - I felt like I had entered the movie "Forest Gump" and totally didn't want to leave!
We didn't actually go to the 'Lady & Sons' - the line was long and we heard that were some better local spots.
This was the cutest little lunch spot called, 'Cafe Coco' - it was so eclectic!
Another picture of, 'Cafe Coco!'
The morning of the race! It was dark and freezing when we were walking at 7 a.m. waiting for the race to start - but it didn't take long for our adrenaline to get going! 

This is what 27,000 people look like before the race! A never-ending street of people!
The medal! My first ever half marathon I ran it in 2 hours and 53 minutes. This (my second half marathon) I ran it in 2 hours and 34 minutes. Almost exactly a year after I ran the first!

Cheese grits!!

Me sipping wine at "Rocks on the Roof!'

Green scarf stealer!! :)

The most gorgeous view from Rocks on the Roof!

The drive back to Tennessee from Savannah - as much as I missed Savannah - I'm thankful to live in such a pretty state!